The Raincoat Foundation was founded in 2015 by Mikaela and Peter Granström. Clean water is a non-issue to most swedes as it flows on demand from every tap around our cities, villages and homes. To some 650 million people on this earth it just doesn’t happen that way. We didn´t start Raincoat with a clear idea or game changing innovation but what we can do is to give to those individuals and organisations that have a plan. Our policy is simple – We support initiative that will create awareness and knowledge where it is low and we support solution-oriented water projects where our actions will make a real difference.

9 August, 2016

The Raincoat Foundation welcomes all finalists in Stockholm Junior Water Prize!

We are proud to be hosting the Stockholm Junior Water Price welcome dinner on August 26! The event takes place at the Haymarket Hotel and will mark the start of a fantastic five day experience for all finalists in the Stockholm Junior Water Prize category.

We are also thrilled to have the inspiring Claire Reid as keynote speaker. Claire won the Junior Water Prize in 2003. She will tell her story of how she put her winning project into real practice.

The Raincoat Foundation supports proactive research, innovation and wisdom. The Stockholm Junior Water Prize and World Water Week is the perfect forum for young talent to share and spread great ideas for our future!

Stockholm Junior Water Price is part of World Water Week that is hosted by SIWI (Stockholm International Water Institute). Each year thousands of young participants in over 30 countries all around the globe join national competitions in hopes of earning the chance to represent their nation at the international final held during the World Water Week in Stockholm.